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Medhelp Forum. 3 interesting questions at my Brain Body Fitness Forum at Medhelp. Check my response

October 12, 2012
BRAIN & BODY FITNESS EXPERT FORUM by Michael Gonzalez-Wallace
Hello My name Is Brandy. I have 3 children and im 30 years old. My youngest child is 7 and im still struggling to loose the weight from him. Im not over weight i just have belly fat i need to get rid of. I do yoga 3-4 times a week and some core work outs in between. I guess what im asking is…What is the best way to loose belly fat? Before I got pregnant i was a gymnast, dancer, very active. My belly and my waist is the only place iv seem to have kept the weight..Oh and I had a double c-section. Would that have a play in the problem..
The reason I need to know is because i want to be a personal trainer and well cant really have this problem and lead others…
Thank you for your time Have a blessed day

Hi Brandy and thanks so much for your question.

Yes as you may know C section may play a bigger role than you think since some of the muscles need to get stretched to accommodate the baby. As you may know Yoga workouts and core workouts are important but you need to activate specify muscles around your waist. Those muscles are named the oblique muscles. The muscles need to be strong, activated so when you start dropping body fat you will see how your waist drops significantly.

In other words For best results, combine aerobic exercise with a regular strengthening workout that targets the abdominal muscles.

Here you can find how to activate the obliques

However if your body fat tends to accumulate in the lower section of your abdominal you need to do specific exercises to activate the lower abs such as applying some weight resistance on regular abdominal crunches click here to keep reading 

Hello, I was diagnosed with an essential tremor in my head. The shaking starts from the middle of my neck up, and my head shakes in a up and down motion. I was prescribed preprapanol and topomax (topamax). Those medications did not work for me. I am desperate for a relief of this. It has effected my life. I am only 18 !! Please if anyone knows of medication, or anything please tell me. Also, I heard botox in the neck helps.
Thanks so much for visiting my forum and please feel free to post the same question in the Neurology ForumAccording to the Harvard medical health website an estimated 10 million Americans with a neurological disorder called essential tremor, shaking of their arms and other body parts makes it difficult or even impossible to perform the simplest of movements.
You can keep reading here
Im 23 years height is 5″8 but my weight is this fine n if nt dan what should I do to gain weight??
Hi there Shai13 and thanks for posting this question!
Topic: Is total Body Weight a good measure of health?
Yes and no. Although you are really close to the lowest recommended weight range you can actually gain few pounds and be healthier in body weight distribution.
Normally when there are recommended weight ranges you should stay in the middle as average. However the good news is that if you are expressing concern is because you want to gain some muscle mass that will help you achieve a more optimal weight.
You are 125lbs or 57kg click here to keep reading
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